Class representing a toolkit for interacting with AWS Step Functions.
It initializes the AWS Step Functions tools and provides them as tools
for the agent.
consttoolkit = newAWSSfnToolkit({ name:"onboard-new-client-workflow", description: "Onboard new client workflow. Can also be used to get status of any executing workflow or state machine.", stateMachineArn: "arn:aws:states:us-east-1:1234567890:stateMachine:my-state-machine", region:"<your Sfn's region>", accessKeyId:"<your access key id>", secretAccessKey:"<your secret access key>", });
constresult = awaittoolkit.invoke({ input:"Onboard john doe ( as a new client.", });
Class representing a toolkit for interacting with AWS Step Functions. It initializes the AWS Step Functions tools and provides them as tools for the agent.